Table of Contents

  1. Understanding the Basics of JUnit5
  2. Key Differences Between JUnit4 and JUnit5
  3. Exploring the Enhanced Features in JUnit5
  4. Advantages of Migrating from JUnit4 to JUnit5
  5. Practical Guide: Migrating from JUnit4 to JUnit5
  6. Overcoming Challenges When Transitioning to JUnit5
  7. Best Practices for Implementing Unit Testing with JUnit5
  8. Case Study: Successful Implementation of JUnit5 in Software Development


JUnit5, the latest version of the renowned Java unit testing framework, brings a host of improvements and new features that enhance the efficiency of testing procedures for developers. It introduces a modular architecture, providing customizability and extensibility. With its three main sub-projects, JUnit Platform, JUnit Jupiter, and JUnit Vintage, it offers a solid foundation for launching testing frameworks, advanced programming and extension models for writing tests, and compatibility with older versions of JUnit tests. JUnit5 simplifies the incorporation of custom features, supports parameter resolution, and provides APIs for post-processing test instances and exception handling. Its extensible nature allows integration with third-party framework extensions.

In this article, we will explore the basics of JUnit5, its key differences from JUnit4, the enhanced features it offers, and the advantages of migrating from JUnit4 to JUnit5. We will also provide a practical guide for migrating from JUnit4 to JUnit5 and discuss best practices for implementing unit testing with JUnit5. Furthermore, we will present a case study highlighting the successful implementation of JUnit5 in software development. By understanding these aspects, developers can leverage the power of JUnit5 to enhance their testing process and improve the quality of their software

1. Understanding the Basics of JUnit5

JUnit5, the recent iteration of the renowned Java unit testing framework, brings a host of improvements and new features that enhance the efficiency of testing procedures for developers. It has been designed to outperform its predecessor, JUnit4, in terms of versatility and robustness, and is built on a modular architecture which increases its customizability and extensibility.

The structure of JUnit5 is divided into three main sub-projects: JUnit Platform, JUnit Jupiter, and JUnit Vintage.

JUnit5 Structure

The Platform serves as the foundation for launching testing frameworks on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Jupiter introduces advanced programming and extension models tailored for writing tests, while Vintage enables the running of JUnit3 and JUnit4 tests on the platform.

In addition to its extensible architecture and new extension model, JUnit5 is praised for simplifying the incorporation of custom features, providing an abundance of built-in parameter resolvers for common use cases, and supporting parameter resolution for constructors and methods of test classes.

Further, JUnit5 offers APIs for post-processing test instances and pre-destroy callbacks, catering to distinct test instance lifecycles, including per-method and per-class lifecycles. It also permits customization of exception handling in test cases. Its extensible nature is compatible with third-party framework extensions such as Mockito, Selenium, and Spring TestContext.

To run older versions of JUnit tests like JUnit 3 and JUnit 4, the JUnit Vintage Test Engine can be employed. This test engine enables you to utilize the features and benefits of JUnit 4 while still being capable of running JUnit 3 tests. To use JUnit Vintage, it's necessary to include the appropriate JAR file in your project dependencies. Once this is done, your JUnit 3 and JUnit 4 test classes can be annotated with the @RunWith annotation, specifying the VintageTestEngine.class as the test engine to use. This ensures that your tests are executed using the JUnit Vintage Test Engine. By using JUnit Vintage, you can continue to run and maintain your existing JUnit 3 tests while gradually transitioning to JUnit 4 or newer versions. This allows you to leverage the latest features and improvements in JUnit while still preserving your existing test suite intact.

The extension mechanism of JUnit5 enables third-party tools or APIs through the extension model. Conditional test execution is another notable feature, facilitated through annotations such as @EnabledOnOs and @DisabledOnOs. Custom conditions and annotations can be created, making way for more specific test scenarios.

Moreover, JUnit5 boasts a unique extension model that supports the creation of custom extensions by implementing various callback interfaces. This includes test instance lifecycle callbacks like @BeforeAll, @AfterAll, @BeforeEach, and @AfterEach. The support for post-processing test instances uses the TestInstancePostProcessor interface, while pre-destroy callbacks for test instances use the TestInstancePreDestroyCallback interface. Exception handling, on the other hand, employs the TestExecutionExceptionHandler interface.

Extensions in JUnit5 allow for extending the behavior of test classes and methods. These can be used to add additional context to test methods, resolve parameters, manage exceptions, and more. Extensions can be implemented by implementing one of the following interfaces: TestInstancePostProcessor, ExecutionCondition, ParameterResolver, or TestExecutionExceptionHandler. Custom extensions can be utilized by annotating the test with the @ExtendWith annotation.

JUnit5 extensions can also be registered to all tests via a configuration file and a parameter. An exercise is provided for creating a JUnit 5 ParameterResolver extension that allows tests to retrieve strings as parameters. The exercise involves creating the extension, using it in unit tests, and supporting the @Named annotation for specifying the input. Another exercise is provided for creating a JUnit 5 lifecycle extension that provides the start and end time of each unit test. The exercise involves implementing the BeforeEachCallback and AfterEachCallback interfaces.

Lastly, JUnit5 also provides an exercise for creating an extension to ignore IOExceptions. The exercise involves creating an extension that implements the TestExecutionExceptionHandler interface and handles IOExceptions. With these multiple features and improvements, JUnit5 unquestionably stands as a significant upgrade from its predecessor, enhancing the testing experience for Java developers

2. Key Differences Between JUnit4 and JUnit5

The transition from JUnit4 to JUnit5 marks a significant advancement in the realm of Java testing, offering an enhanced and robust testing framework. A highlight of JUnit5 is its innovative extension model, a remarkable step up from JUnit4's runner model. This new model facilitates developers in extending the functionality of test classes and methods, integrating the previously separate concepts of rules and runners in JUnit4.

JUnit5 enables the use of extensions to append supplementary information to test methods and resolve parameters. For this, developers can implement interfaces like TestInstancePostProcessor, ExecutionCondition, ParameterResolver, or TestExecutionExceptionHandler. The use of custom extensions is simplified by annotating the test with the @ExtendWith annotation. Additionally, extensions can be registered for all tests via a configuration file and a parameter, providing more adaptability.

To leverage the latest features of the Java language, JUnit5 extends its support to Java 8 and beyond. This includes the ability to create dynamic tests at runtime. These tests can be grouped and nested, thanks to the nested test classes feature provided by JUnit5, which significantly improves the organization and readability of the test suite, thereby enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the testing process.

Another area where JUnit5 shows marked improvement is in its support for parameterized tests and conditions. This feature enables tests to retrieve strings as parameters through an extension, making the testing process more adaptable to varying scenarios and needs. JUnit5 also introduces a new interface for test engines, simplifying integration with other testing frameworks and enhancing versatility and interoperability.

JUnit5 also provides practical exercises to create a JUnit5 ParameterResolver extension, a JUnit5 lifecycle extension that offers the start and end time of each unit test, and a JUnit5 extension to ignore IOException. These exercises are instrumental in helping developers understand and effectively implement these features.

To migrate from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5, developers need to update their dependency, imports, annotations, assertions, and test runner in their testing code. Careful review of the JUnit 5 documentation and migration guides is necessary for a detailed understanding of the specific changes and steps required in the migration process.

In conclusion, JUnit5 brings a host of improvements over JUnit4, making it a more robust, flexible, and powerful testing framework.

JUnit5 Features

Its new extension model, support for Java 8 and above, dynamic tests, improved parameterized tests and conditions, and new interface for test engines, among other features, make it a compelling choice for developers in the Java ecosystem

3. Exploring the Enhanced Features in JUnit5

The evolution from JUnit4 to JUnit5 has brought a significant array of enhancements to unit testing. JUnit5, especially from version 5.4, comes with the implementation of dynamic tests. These are tests that are generated at runtime and can adapt to fluctuations in requirements. This feature is particularly beneficial for managing data-driven and parameterized tests.

Dynamic tests in JUnit5 can be implemented using the @TestFactory annotation, which replaces the regular @Test annotation. You can create a method annotated with @TestFactory that returns a Stream, Collection, or Iterable of DynamicTest objects. Each DynamicTest represents a single test case, and you can generate them programmatically based on your requirements.

Inside the @TestFactory method, you can use the method to create a stream of DynamicTest objects. You can then use the DynamicTest.dynamicTest() method to create individual test cases. Each DynamicTest requires a display name and an executable, a lambda expression, or a method reference representing the actual test logic.

JUnit5 also introduced the extension model, replacing the runner model previously used in JUnit4. This alteration provides a more flexible and potent way to extend the JUnit framework functionality. Moreover, JUnit 5.4 simplifies dependency management by incorporating a single junit-jupiter dependency, making the framework easier to use.

Additional improvements include support for temporary directories during testing. This feature simplifies the handling of temporary files, managing their creation and cleanup efficiently. JUnit 5.4 has also introduced support for parameterized tests with null and empty values, increasing its versatility and robustness.

JUnit 5.4 brings a smarter way to generate test display names. It can now base these names on nested classes or method names, providing a more intuitive and readable way to identify tests. The new @Order annotation allows test methods to be ordered, giving developers more control over the execution sequence of their tests.

JUnit5 also provides improved support for conditions. You can implement a custom condition class that overrides the evaluateExecutionCondition method of the ExecutionCondition interface. Applying these custom conditions to your test methods or test classes is done using the @EnabledIf or @DisabledIf annotations.

While the migration process from JUnit4 to JUnit5 has been made easier with the introduction of the JUnit Vintage engine, some JUnit4 annotations have been renamed in JUnit5 for better clarity and consistency. For example, the "before" and "after" annotations have been renamed to "beforeEach" and "afterEach", and "beforeAll" and "afterAll" have been renamed to "beforeClass" and "afterClass". The "ignore" annotation in JUnit4 has been replaced by "disabled" in JUnit5.

In terms of integration, JUnit5 has dropped the "RunWith" annotation for test integration with other frameworks. Instead, it uses the "ExtendWith" annotation to provide similar functionality.

To assist developers in understanding and using these new features, JUnit5 provides a comprehensive user guide. It includes illustrative code examples and detailed explanations of the new features, making it an invaluable resource for those looking to get started with JUnit5 or migrate from JUnit4

4. Advantages of Migrating from JUnit4 to JUnit5

Embracing JUnit5 from JUnit4 ushers in a multitude of advantages. The revamped framework, JUnit5, is designed with a modular structure which infuses a higher degree of adaptability and scalability. This unique design enables the framework to be seamlessly expanded to integrate new features and functionalities.

A significant enhancement in JUnit5 is the inclusion of dynamic tests and bolstered support for parameterized tests. These features enable the crafting of comprehensive and flexible test suites, thereby streamlining the testing process for developers.

Another noteworthy progression is JUnit5's compatibility with Java 8 and subsequent versions. This alignment allows developers to leverage the latest Java language features, thereby improving the readability and maintainability of the code.

Furthermore, JUnit5.4, a more advanced version of JUnit5, introduces several refinements. The initialization process is simplified by requiring only a single JUnit Jupiter dependency. The testing phase now supports temporary directories, facilitating easier creation and cleanup of temporary files.

Parameterized tests have been enhanced to accept null and empty values as input, and test display names can now be dynamically generated based on the nested class or method name. Additionally, the @Order annotation allows for the sequencing of test methods.

Transitioning to JUnit5 is strongly advised, considering the array of sophisticated features it offers. However, it's worth noting that the migration process necessitates a deep understanding of the new features and functionalities introduced in JUnit5. This understanding, coupled with a commitment to continuous learning, will ensure a seamless and successful migration to this robust testing framework."

In the context of JUnit5, the utilization of the latest Java language features can amplify the capabilities of unit testing in Java. By adopting JUnit5, developers can exploit features such as parameterized tests, nested tests, and more advanced assertions. These traits provide more flexibility and expressiveness in writing unit tests, making it easier to test different scenarios and edge cases. Additionally, JUnit5 integrates seamlessly with modern development tools and frameworks, making it a formidable choice for Java developers aiming to write efficient and effective unit tests

5. Practical Guide: Migrating from JUnit4 to JUnit5

The journey from JUnit4 to JUnit5 is not as formidable as it may initially seem.

JUnit5 Migration Process

The first step involves adjusting the project's dependencies to include JUnit5 libraries. Following this, existing tests must be restructured to accommodate the new features and syntax that JUnit5 introduces. This restructuring process includes replacing JUnit4 annotations with their JUnit5 counterparts and modifying tests to utilize JUnit5's new assertion methods and exception handling capabilities. To assist in a smoother transition, the JUnit Vintage engine can be used to run existing JUnit4 tests, enabling a gradual shift to JUnit5.

It's worth noting that this process goes beyond merely replacing libraries and syntax. It presents an opportunity to harness the advanced features that JUnit5 provides, such as nested tests and parameterized tests, which can improve the quality of your unit tests, making them more robust and flexible.

Tools like IntelliJ IDEA can provide automatic assistance in migrating tests from JUnit4 to JUnit5, saving substantial time and effort. However, for more complex scenarios, manual migration might be necessary. A thorough understanding of the differences between JUnit4 and JUnit5, including changes in import statements and assertion methods, is crucial for a successful migration.

Once the migration is completed, it is advisable to run the tests in parallel using Maven, which can significantly speed up the testing process. Moreover, JUnit5 offers advanced capabilities for tagging and running specific tests, which can further enhance your testing process's efficiency.

To refactor JUnit4 tests to use JUnit5 features, consider following these steps:

  1. Update the JUnit dependency: Modify the project's build file or dependency management configuration to use JUnit5 instead of JUnit4.
  2. Update the test annotations: Replace JUnit4 annotations such as @Test, @Before, @After, etc., with their JUnit5 equivalents like @org.junit.jupiter.api.Test, @BeforeEach, @AfterEach, etc.
  3. Update the assertions: Switch the JUnit4 assertions (e.g., assertEquals, assertTrue, etc.) with the JUnit5 assertions provided by the org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions class.
  4. Update the test runner: JUnit4 uses a test runner (e.g., org.junit.runner.JUnitCore) to run tests, while JUnit5 operates on the JUnit Platform. Update your test runner configuration to use the JUnit5 platform.
  5. Leverage new features: JUnit5 introduces new features such as parameterized tests, nested tests, dynamic tests, and test interfaces. Consider using these features to improve your tests' structure and readability.

Furthermore, to replace JUnit 4 annotations with JUnit 5 equivalents, you can follow these steps:

  1. Replace the @RunWith annotation with @ExtendWith and use the JUnitPlatform class as the argument.
  2. Replace the @Rule annotation with @RegisterExtension and use the appropriate extension class.
  3. Replace the @Before and @After annotations with @BeforeEach and @AfterEach annotations respectively.
  4. Replace the @BeforeClass and @AfterClass annotations with @BeforeAll and @AfterAll annotations respectively.
  5. Replace the @Ignore annotation with @Disabled annotation.
  6. Replace the @Test annotation with @DisplayName annotation to provide a custom display name for the test case.
  7. Replace the @Test(expected = SomeException.class) annotation with @Test annotation and use the assertThrows method to assert the exception.

By adhering to these steps, you can refactor your JUnit4 tests to utilize the enhancements offered by JUnit5. While migrating from JUnit4 to JUnit5 may seem like a daunting task, the right approach and tools can make it a straightforward and rewarding process

6. Overcoming Challenges When Transitioning to Junit5

Transitioning to JUnit5, especially for vast codebases with comprehensive testing suites, can present certain challenges. However, with careful planning and execution, these obstacles can be effectively overcome. A key instrument in this endeavor is the JUnit Vintage engine, which enables a staged migration by running current JUnit4 tests within the JUnit5 environment. This approach ensures that the transition need not be a sudden overhaul but a gradual, manageable process.

JUnit5, introduced two years ago, has ushered in numerous innovative features and enhancements such as dynamic tests, better support for parameterized tests, and the capability to utilize features available in Java 8 and above. These improvements can significantly streamline the migration journey. For instance, the parameterized tests in JUnit5 now accommodate null and empty input values, offering greater flexibility in test creation.

Furthermore, JUnit5 has introduced several changes in annotations, which are vital to understand before commencing on the migration. The "before" and "after" annotations have been renamed to "beforeEach" and "afterEach", respectively, and "beforeAll" and "afterAll" have been renamed as "beforeClass" and "afterClass". The "ignore" annotation in JUnit 4 has been replaced by the "disabled" annotation in JUnit 5. Additionally, the "runWith" annotation used for integrating tests with other frameworks in JUnit 4 has been superseded by the "extendWith" annotation in JUnit 5.

JUnit5.4, the latest version of this popular testing library for Java, has further simplified the inclusion of dependencies by permitting the use of just a single JUnit Jupiter dependency. It also introduces the use of temporary directories for testing, providing an extension to create and clean up temporary files. Additionally, the display name of test methods can now be dynamically generated based on the nested class or method name, and a new test method order annotation has been introduced for executing test methods in a specific sequence.

The development team should thoroughly acquaint themselves with these new features, syntax, and changes in JUnit5 before initiating the migration. Resources like the JUnit 5 User Guide and the documentation for JUnit 5, which provide comprehensive introductions and illustrative code examples, can be invaluable in this regard.

To migrate JUnit4 tests to JUnit5 using the JUnit Vintage Engine, the following steps could be followed:

  1. Add the JUnit Vintage dependency to your project. This can be achieved by adding the dependency to your build file: testImplementation 'org.junit.vintage:junit-vintage-engine:<version>' Replace <version> with the desired version of JUnit Vintage.

  2. Update your JUnit4 tests to use the JUnit5 annotations and assertions. JUnit5 introduces new annotations like @Test, @BeforeEach, @AfterEach, and @DisplayName that can be used in your tests. Any deprecated JUnit4 assertions need to be updated to the new JUnit5 assertions.

  3. Configure your build tool to run the JUnit Vintage Engine. This step depends on the build tool you are using. For example, if you are using Gradle, you can add the following configuration to your build.gradle file: test { useJUnitPlatform() } This will configure Gradle to use the JUnit Vintage Engine to run your JUnit4 tests.

  4. Run your tests and ensure that they pass with JUnit5. The JUnit Vintage Engine will enable you to run your JUnit4 tests using the JUnit5 platform.

Dynamic tests in JUnit5 are beneficial for scenarios where you need to generate tests at runtime, such as for migration purposes. For example, you could have a list of URLs that need to be migrated to a new domain. You can use dynamic tests to generate test cases for each URL in the list, where the test checks if the URL has been successfully migrated to the new domain. Here's an example of how you can use dynamic tests in JUnit5 for migration:

```java import org.junit.jupiter.api.DynamicTest; import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestFactory; import org.junit.jupiter.api.function.Executable; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;

public class MigrationTest {

List<String> urlsToMigrate = Arrays.asList(

List<DynamicTest> testMigrations() {
        .map(url -> DynamicTest.dynamicTest("Test migration of " + url, createTest(url)))

private Executable createTest(String url) {
    return () -> {
        // Perform migration logic here
        String migratedUrl = migrateUrl(url);

        // Assert that the migration was successful

private String migrateUrl(String url) {
    // Perform the actual migration logic here
    // Return the migrated URL

} ```

In this example, the testMigrations method generates dynamic tests for each URL in the urlsToMigrate list. Each dynamic test is created using the createTest method, which defines the logic for each test case. The createTest method uses an Executable to define the test logic, where you can perform the migration and assert that it was successful.

It's important to note that this example is a simplified demonstration of using dynamic tests for migration purposes. The actual migration logic will depend on your specific requirements and implementation details

7. Best Practices for Implementing Unit Testing with JUnit5

JUnit5, a renowned Java testing framework, can greatly enhance the efficiency and efficacy of unit testing by adopting its best practices. Such practices involve the creation of precise, targeted tests, each evaluating a singular aspect. Descriptive names for test methods are also essential, providing clarity about the purpose of each test.

One of the standout features of JUnit5 is the provision for dynamic and nested tests, which significantly aid the building of adaptable and comprehensive test suites. Dynamic tests, for instance, support the creation of test cases on-the-fly, best suited for data-driven testing. This is particularly beneficial when dealing with intricate or dynamic test scenarios where a pre-defined set of tests might be inadequate. Developers can write code that generates tests as needed, offering more adaptability and flexibility in the test suites.

Nested tests, enabled by the @Nested annotation in JUnit5, allow for a hierarchical arrangement of tests, simplifying the comprehension of complex test scenarios' structures. Within the primary test class, nested test classes can be defined, aiding in the organization and structuring of tests. Each nested test class can contain individual test methods using the @Test annotation. Like the main test class, these nested test classes can have their own setup and teardown methods using the @BeforeEach and @AfterEach annotations. This hierarchical structure can be particularly handy when different aspects or variations of a feature need to be tested, providing fine-grained control over tests and making it easier to understand the test coverage.

Moreover, JUnit5's enhanced support for parameterized tests is another critical element to consider. Parameterized tests facilitate the execution of a test multiple times with varying parameters, thus reducing code duplication and enhancing test readability. The use of various argument sources, such as ValueSource, EnumSource, CsvSource, MethodSource, and custom ArgumentProviders, can further augment the versatility of parameterized tests.

Consider a Gradle project running unit tests using JUnit5 as an example. The project is created by applying the Java plugin and configuring the build.gradle file. The required dependencies for JUnit5, including the JUnit Jupiter version 5.8.2, are added to the testImplementation configuration. Although Gradle natively supports JUnit5, it needs to be enabled by configuring the test task to use JUnit5 instead of JUnit4.

After the setup, a simple test class using JUnit5 can be written, with the source code located in the src/test/java directory. The unit tests can be executed with Gradle using the command "gradle clean test". This process showcases the effective utilization of JUnit5 features and the practical application of best practices in unit testing.

Ultimately, adopting these best practices in unit testing with JUnit5, complemented by the use of new features and enhancements, can significantly enhance the quality, efficiency, and maintainability of your test suites. Hence, it is strongly advised for software engineers to familiarize themselves with these practices and integrate them in their unit testing processes

8. Case Study: Successful Implementation of Junit5 in Software Development

Let's dive into the practical implications of transitioning from JUnit4 to JUnit5 through the lens of a seasoned software development team. This team, with expertise in diverse areas, such as geospatial intelligence and machine learning, managed to harness the advanced features of JUnit5 to build versatile and thorough test suites. This directly resulted in improving their code quality, minimizing bugs, and enhancing the overall robustness of their software.

The modular architecture of JUnit5 was a major boon for the team, allowing them to adapt the framework to their unique needs. This led to a more streamlined and efficient testing process, accelerating the software development cycle. Additionally, they could utilize the most recent features of the Java language, courtesy of their shift to JUnit5. This resulted in more readable and maintainable code, a critical factor in managing intricate software systems.

The team's work on a project for a major aerospace defense contractor is particularly noteworthy. They developed enhancements for a complex system designed to predict aircraft performance under harsh conditions using technical engineering and simulation software. The switch to JUnit5 was instrumental in this project, as the team effectively used the framework's advanced features to meet the challenging technical demands of the project.

However, the team's successful transition to JUnit5 wasn't just due to their technical prowess. They effectively utilized resources available on platforms like GitHub, including AI code review, managing code changes, and learning pathways to uncover and understand the new framework. This highlights the importance of technical leadership and support when implementing scalable solutions.

To further enhance their testing capabilities, the team used Machinet to customize their JUnit5 tests. This involved adding the necessary dependencies to their project, provided by the Machinet library. They then utilized Machinet's features for test customization, including test data generation, mocking, and stubbing. This allowed them to create more comprehensive and diverse test cases, and isolate their tests for better focus on specific components. The Machinet documentation proved invaluable, providing examples and guidance for effectively customizing JUnit5 for their testing needs.

In addition, they found value in understanding annotations and assertions for Java unit testing and following best practices for Java unit testing, both of which were discussed in blog posts on

In essence, the team's journey serves as a case study for the potential benefits and enhancements JUnit5, coupled with Machinet, offers over JUnit4


In conclusion, JUnit5 brings a host of improvements and new features that enhance the efficiency of testing procedures for Java developers. Its modular architecture, advanced programming and extension models, and compatibility with older versions of JUnit tests provide developers with a solid foundation for writing tests. The incorporation of custom features, parameter resolution support, and exception handling capabilities make JUnit5 a powerful and versatile testing framework. With its seamless integration with third-party framework extensions and support for dynamic tests, JUnit5 offers developers the tools they need to enhance their testing process and improve the quality of their software.

The transition from JUnit4 to JUnit5 offers several advantages for developers. The enhanced extension model in JUnit5 allows for more flexibility and extensibility in test classes and methods. The compatibility with Java 8 and beyond enables developers to leverage the latest language features in their tests. The support for dynamic tests, nested tests, and parameterized tests provides more adaptability and precision in writing unit tests. Migrating from JUnit4 to JUnit5 requires careful planning and understanding of the differences between the two versions, but the benefits it brings make it a worthwhile endeavor.

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